
Blockchain Technology Workshop at Tryst 2024, IIT Delhi, offers an immersive one-day program designed to introduce participants to the foundational concepts and practical applications of blockchain technology. Aimed at demystifying this revolutionary tech, the workshop is structured into engaging sessions that cover the basics of blockchain, its core components, and the mechanics of how it operates to ensure security and trust through decentralization. Participants explore the wide-ranging applications of blockchain beyond cryptocurrencies, delving into real-world use cases across various industries such as finance, supply chain, and healthcare.

A highlight of the workshop includes an introduction to smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps), showcasing the versatility and potential of blockchain to transform digital interactions. The hands-on session offers attendees a unique opportunity to dip their toes into blockchain development, guiding them through the creation of a simple blockchain model. The workshop concludes with a forward-looking discussion on emerging trends in blockchain technology and potential career paths in this burgeoning field.

This workshop is an ideal platform for students, professionals, and tech enthusiasts eager to understand and leverage blockchain technology, providing them with the knowledge and confidence to explore or advance in the dynamic world of blockchain.

Tentative Workshop Itinerary/Topics Covered
Date : 29-March-2024
New Lecture Hall Complex, IIT Delhi

One-Day Blockchain Technology Workshop

Tryst 2024, IIT Delhi


Embark on a Blockchain Odyssey: Join us at Tryst 2024, IIT Delhi, for an enlightening one-day workshop that demystifies the world of blockchain technology. Designed for curious minds, aspiring tech enthusiasts, and budding blockchain professionals, this workshop will navigate through the foundational concepts, practical applications, and the transformative potential of blockchain. Whether you're new to the blockchain scene or looking to deepen your understanding, this workshop is your key to unlocking the power of one of today's most disruptive technologies.

Engaging Workshop Schedule:

Session 1: Unveiling Blockchain Basics

  • Understanding Blockchain: Dive into what blockchain is and why it's revolutionizing industries.
  • Core Components: Explore the building blocks of a blockchain including blocks, transactions, and the chain.

Session 2: The Mechanics of Blockchain

  • How Blockchain Works: A closer look at the process of transactions, block creation, and consensus mechanisms.
  • Decentralization and Security: Understand the concepts of decentralization and how blockchain ensures security and trust.

Short Break: A brief pause to refresh and mingle with fellow blockchain enthusiasts.

Session 3: Beyond Bitcoin - Blockchain's Applications

  • Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency: Discover the broad applications of blockchain beyond just Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
  • Industry Use Cases: Real-world examples of how blockchain is being used in finance, supply chain, healthcare, and more.

Lunch Break:

Session 4: Smart Contracts and DApps

  • Introduction to Smart Contracts: Learn about self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code.
  • Decentralized Applications (DApps): Explore the world of DApps and how they operate on blockchain platforms.

Session 5: Hands-On Blockchain Experience

  • Getting Started with Blockchain Development: Basic setup for blockchain development and tools you'll need.
  • Creating a Simple Blockchain: A hands-on session where you'll build a simple blockchain model to grasp the fundamentals of blockchain development.

Session 6: The Future of Blockchain

  • Emerging Trends in Blockchain: Insight into the latest trends and future possibilities in the blockchain space.
  • Navigating Blockchain Careers: Discussion on career paths, opportunities, and how to start your journey in the blockchain industry.

Closing Session: Interactive Q&A and Networking

  • Open Q&A: Your chance to ask questions, clarify doubts, and discuss ideas with blockchain experts.
  • Networking and Wrap-Up: Connect with peers, exchange contacts, and conclude the day with key takeaways and future steps.

Workshop Details:

  • Date: 29-March-2024
  • Venue: Lecture Hall Complex, IIT Delhi
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM
  • What to Bring: Laptop for hands-on sessions, a notepad, and a pen for jotting down insights.

Who Should Attend:

This workshop is ideal for anyone interested in the principles and practices of blockchain technology. From students to professionals and entrepreneurs, this journey through blockchain will provide valuable insights and practical knowledge to navigate and leverage the blockchain landscape.

Step into the world of blockchain with us at Tryst 2024, IIT Delhi. Unleash the potential of blockchain in your personal and professional endeavors and be part of the next technological revolution!


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