
Step into the world of physical computing and IoT with the 1-Day Raspberry Pi Workshop at Tryst 2024, IIT Delhi's flagship technical symposium. This comprehensive workshop is meticulously designed to cater to enthusiasts of all levels, from novices curious about hardware hacking to seasoned tinkerers looking to expand their skills. Set against the backdrop of Tryst 2024, this event promises an engaging and educational experience that combines innovation, collaboration, and hands-on learning.

The Raspberry Pi workshop will introduce participants to the fundamentals of this versatile microcomputer, guiding them through setup, configuration, and exploration of its potential applications. From simple programming tasks to complex projects that integrate sensors, LEDs, and other components, attendees will learn to bridge the gap between software and hardware, bringing their digital creations to life.

Under the guidance of experts in the field, participants will delve into real-world applications of the Raspberry Pi, including home automation, robotics, and IoT devices. The workshop's curriculum is designed to be accessible yet challenging, ensuring that every attendee, regardless of their prior experience, leaves with a solid foundation in Raspberry Pi technologies and the confidence to undertake their own projects.

In addition to the technical skills gained, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, share ideas, and collaborate on innovative solutions. The interactive and supportive environment encourages creativity and problem-solving, making it an ideal setting for those looking to dive into the world of electronics and computing.

Whether you're a student, hobbyist, or professional, the Raspberry Pi Workshop at Tryst 2024 is the perfect platform to enhance your understanding of microcomputers, explore the intersection of hardware and software, and ignite your passion for building and innovation. Join us at IIT Delhi for a day of learning, discovery, and fun, and take the first step towards mastering the Raspberry Pi.

Tentative Workshop Itenary/Topics Covered
Date : 30-March-2024
New Lecture Hall Complex, IIT Delhi

Workshop Schedule: Introduction to Raspberry Pi

Introduction to Raspberry Pi

  • Time: 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
  • Contents:
    • Overview of Raspberry Pi, including its history, purpose, and applications.
    • Exploration of different Raspberry Pi models and their specifications.
    • A brief introduction to Input/Output (IO).

Session 1: Setting Up Raspberry Pi

  • Time: 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Contents:
    • Hardware requirements: SD card, power supply, and peripherals.
    • Step-by-step guide on installing the Raspberry Pi OS.
    • Initial setup and configuration instructions.
    • Interactive Example: Booting up the OS, exploring the file system, and reviewing installed applications.

Short Break

  • Time: 10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Session 2: Python Basics & Important Functions

  • Time: 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Contents:
    • Introduction to the Linux command line interface.
    • Basic commands: cd, ls, mkdir, cp, mv, nano, and more.
    • Guidance on navigating the file system.

Lunch Break and Certificate Distribution

  • Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Session 3: Advanced Linux Commands & GPIO Interfacing

  • Time: 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Contents:
    • Techniques for writing to and reading from files using Linux commands.
    • Basics of writing simple shell scripts.
    • Introduction to using GPIO pins with LEDs and reading input from the GPIO.

Short Break

  • Time: 2:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Session 4: Introduction to Python Programming

  • Time: 2:45 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Contents:
    • A comprehensive introduction to Python programming.
    • Overview of Python syntax, variables, and data types.
    • Hands-on experience with writing and executing Python scripts.
    • Fundamental programming concepts including loops, conditionals, and functions.
    • Interactive Example: Crafting a script utilizing newly acquired skills.

Session 5: Exploring GPIO with Python

  • Time: 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM
  • Contents:
    • Exploring GPIO pins and their capabilities.
    • How to control LEDs, including turning them on/off and blinking.
    • Techniques for reading inputs such as button press detection.
    • Hands-on exercises: Building simple circuits and writing Python scripts to control them.
    • Activity: Engaging with Python and GPIOs.

Closing Session

  • Time: 5:20 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Contents:
    • Closing remarks and summary of the workshop.
    • An open session for Q&A and discussions.
    • Networking opportunities and farewell photography.

Note: The timings mentioned above are approximate and subject to minor adjustments.

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