
The 1 Day Workshop on PHP 8 with Bootstrap 5 at IIT Delhi is a dynamic and comprehensive program designed to equip participants with the skills to develop responsive, high-performing web applications using the latest in web development technologies. This workshop is ideal for web developers, students, and professionals looking to update their skill set with the most current web development practices.

Throughout the day, attendees will dive into PHP 8, the latest version of the popular server-side scripting language known for its efficiency and flexibility in web development. The workshop will cover new PHP 8 features, including improved type systems, error handling, and enhanced performance capabilities that enable more robust back-end development.

In parallel, participants will explore Bootstrap 5, the newest iteration of the world's most popular front-end framework. The workshop will guide attendees through Bootstrap 5's advanced features, such as its grid system, components, and utilities, which facilitate the rapid development of aesthetically pleasing and mobile-responsive web interfaces.

Combining hands-on coding sessions with expert-led lectures, the workshop will provide a holistic learning experience. Attendees will work on practical projects that integrate PHP 8 and Bootstrap 5, applying their knowledge to build fully functional web applications that are both fast and responsive across devices.

This workshop not only focuses on technical skills but also emphasizes best practices in web development, including code organization, security considerations, and cross-browser compatibility. By the end of the day, participants will have gained a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage PHP 8 and Bootstrap 5 in their projects, enhancing their web development capabilities and preparing them for the challenges of modern web application development.

The 1 Day Workshop on PHP 8 with Bootstrap 5 at IIT Delhi is more than just a training session; it's an opportunity to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving field of web development, network with peers, and gain insights from industry experts.

Workshop Fee : Rs 1990 + 18% GST

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